reggae weekend

Music was jamming up at Benny’s at the Beach. DSCN3842  By 6:30 the 50 free tickets to this weekends Reggae Fest at Bryant Park were gone.   The moon did not make it’s spectacular appearance under a cloudy sky, alas. had high hopes for some full moon photos.

speaking of swing, yes that Flofie so fluffing cannot be far behind.

speaking of swing, yes that  is Flofie so Floffing cannot be far behind.

Evening on the Avenue in full swing and again reggae was heard but not for long.  the usual cast of characters came out for a pleasant evening.   Snowbirds back in Downtown Jewel making their appearance. DSCN3859

Herman Robinson, Commodore Ted Johnson and Dean Sherwin 3 others not seen.

Herman Robinson, Commodore Ted Johnson and Dean Sherwin 3 others not seen.

The Lake Worth sailing club came out with new shirts.  And as always a must see where do you live here in Lake Worth?

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Next Saturday on the Cultural Plaza from 9 – 3  Friends of the Lake Worth Library are having their book sale and some special additions for the first time.  The Front Porch will be there, and  resident John Cutrone will present some unique collectible  books

Yes, this is a book from the Jaffe Book Arts Ctr. collection.

Yes, this is a book from the Jaffe Book Arts Ctr. collection.


Editors note:  Things my look a bit different as I’ve had my computer rebooted and by so doing, everything that was here before is no longer.  I’m basically starting from scratch .