A good time was had by all

Definitely a dazzling moment. The Bryant Park DERBY DAY event came back once again to a huge success. Congratulations to its Board. Covid seemed like a hiccup. A bit different than years before everyone was a winner. Congratulations to Michael Chapallier the 50/50 winner of Tropical Ridge neighborhood.

missed was Richard Guercio former 50/50 winner, my bet was on him. Oh well. Actually regardless what event, he was always a winner. This year we had in our midst Carmen Diaz new City Mgr. Sarah Parr Malega and Christopher McVoy our commissioners. The best silks went to Herman Robinson who enjoyed his retirement immensely .

City Mgr. Carmen Diaz
Day late and wrong location could of been a contender

Now for the long awaited SHOW it’s a video

Show us your hats

In all the excitement, no one noticed as everyone had fun that . The impending rain cut the event just a bit shorter. Next year 1st 2nd and 3rd will come back . There were ever so many donations 40 by my count that went to awards and many to silent auctions. No one was left behind

Amazing creation the horses painted front and back. A 360 view. the 50/50 was $190
American Pharos Triple Crown winner on my head
Absolutely stunning
Also ran

NOTE from the Editor: It’s my blog I have opinions.

FUNdraiser for BryaNT PARK

Before we forget the great time we had Saturday during the Derby Day event here is Throwback Thursday to This Event started years ago by the wonderful person who also started the Raft Race.  Now, it happened also to be  Cinco de Mayo, first people I saw were wearing large sombreros so was I at the right party?Quite a few things changed from what we used to experience. Formerly  A more casual level with children taking part. Also missing were our commissioners who judged the hilarity of the participants.

feeling kinda lucky!

The Prize value total was enormous $ 2.750 so the winner’s possibility endless, but not so this year it was split 5 ways. Obviously, the promotion of the wonderful gifts were not noted as in previous years.

the generous sponsors

Here i took a snapshot so you all know who provided so generously. My friend Lucky Richard Guercio was one of the big winners often seen in our local establishments. He wins a lot how do you do it.?  lol  Then there is always a 50/50 that paid out $300.  Would love to know who all the other 4 Lucky winners were.  I was table hopping and capturing the fabulous hats.  I totally agreed with the 1st place winner she was awesome.

opps wrong picture

absolutely exquisite and deservedly First Place Winner

Admired the hat the moment I saw it.  What an artist!   Jessica Teutsch’s usually has a spectacular creation, a little birdie told me she had started making it back in January. ?? The event was a class act event as I tooled around and saw so many friends and kept nursing my $7 Cranberry juice.




2013 Winner and moi

Worthy of note the complete outfit with Magnolia written + painted horse by Artist Leslie Smith

Parisian Chic, not able to compete as she was on the committee. selling 50/50 tickets

would not draw any attention in  Little Havana. Won the loudest shirt. hahaha

The actual race, 2 min. 4 seconds winner Justify and has a chance to be a Triple Crown winner as was Secretariat who made this race in 2 min. 24 sec.  (I was in the infield that year, won $270 ) now American Pharoah’s  timing 2 min and 26 sec.   Not a spot of mud thrown on Justify or jockey this was a clean race on a muddy track ck those times again.  Now back to the party which i always said was one of the top Fundraiser in our town.  Seen working hard was Tabitha, Jon Faust the consummate Lake Worth mc, The awards were unisex (so sad)

definitely had the Audrey Hepburn feel

two more local artists

If you’re looking for more great photos  Judge Sami Makela has some, always Tom Johnson, and of course Leonard Bryant never disappoints. Darin Engle also was seen taking photos.   If you didn’t see your friends here they made it to the other Derby Party which had 250 plus guests and some even attended from KY.   Anyone want to share photos from there just send them to moi.  My camera battery was exhausted.



Now about the Royal Wedding,  keep those beautiful hats handy and stroll Lake Worth in honor of the nuptials on May 19, as we will have our 2nd American Princess.  I’ll be sporting a Fascinator.