I’m Back


 If it’s Thursday so YES we ride tonight. Thursday Night Peddlers 

We are only about 8 weeks away from the new year. Our calendar is filling, lots of wonderful things happening in our quirky seaside town and expect to get news from not just this blog but follow FB pages by Tammy Pansa’s “Lake Worth Local”  Bob Lepa’s “Lake Worth Voice” Wes Blackman writes at blogspot “Lake Worth City Limits”. Follow any of these three and you’ll be well informed.  

Took a breather from blogging after what seemed a very long summer.  My computer after 10 years decided it had enough.  After the shock and pain wore off i found IFIX in downtown Lake Worth, yes they do electronics other than phones or cracked screens.

a yearly favorite, I did say quirky

so here we are.  Things are always in flux. and if it’s possible to have an issue we will make one.  We’ve lost our weekly Friday on the Plaza replaced by major monthly Block Party.  Oh  yes our pool is empty right now and a contentious ” issue ”  Dia de los Muertes only two days away and celebrated in our city and in case you did not know the Marigold is its official flower. Photos of this event next week.  Stay tuned for the usual the unusual and feel free to comment.

The only City in the USA that Carols on bikes at Xmas time

Mango Fest 2018

Some people collected Mangos, I collect smiles from everyone who had a great time today at the 3rd Annual International Lake Worth Mango Festival not a drop of rain.  What say ye about making it an evening event? a 1 to 9 p.m. perhaps” or you have other suggestions?

made me smile

photo Bombed

my best photo of the day

let me entertain you

you remember me? goes back 30 years

coming along with those smiles

it was frozen delicious by Rosa

“gets me smiles where I can “think Popeye said that

artist appreciation

and hello to you too, soon to become an artist resident in LW

smile is a smile

Guess we better think hats at all our events and in March we will

that is a smile

Mango Grovites

capturing the silliness

skipping rope a la the LW Ladies Kitchen Band

A blue ticket and so they won mangoes

it was hot and i got thirsty,

Digital Camerait was on automatic ;p;

It was her idea and she has so many that benefit Lake Worth

Boys also want to have fun

thank you for supporting a local artist

happy smiles and good company

portrait i’m working on

thats how it ended at CWS with Mango drinks


FUNdraiser for BryaNT PARK

Before we forget the great time we had Saturday during the Derby Day event here is Throwback Thursday to This Event started years ago by the wonderful person who also started the Raft Race.  Now, it happened also to be  Cinco de Mayo, first people I saw were wearing large sombreros so was I at the right party?Quite a few things changed from what we used to experience. Formerly  A more casual level with children taking part. Also missing were our commissioners who judged the hilarity of the participants.

feeling kinda lucky!

The Prize value total was enormous $ 2.750 so the winner’s possibility endless, but not so this year it was split 5 ways. Obviously, the promotion of the wonderful gifts were not noted as in previous years.

the generous sponsors

Here i took a snapshot so you all know who provided so generously. My friend Lucky Richard Guercio was one of the big winners often seen in our local establishments. He wins a lot how do you do it.?  lol  Then there is always a 50/50 that paid out $300.  Would love to know who all the other 4 Lucky winners were.  I was table hopping and capturing the fabulous hats.  I totally agreed with the 1st place winner she was awesome.

opps wrong picture

absolutely exquisite and deservedly First Place Winner

Admired the hat the moment I saw it.  What an artist!   Jessica Teutsch’s usually has a spectacular creation, a little birdie told me she had started making it back in January. ?? The event was a class act event as I tooled around and saw so many friends and kept nursing my $7 Cranberry juice.




2013 Winner and moi

Worthy of note the complete outfit with Magnolia written + painted horse by Artist Leslie Smith

Parisian Chic, not able to compete as she was on the committee. selling 50/50 tickets

would not draw any attention in  Little Havana. Won the loudest shirt. hahaha

The actual race, 2 min. 4 seconds winner Justify and has a chance to be a Triple Crown winner as was Secretariat who made this race in 2 min. 24 sec.  (I was in the infield that year, won $270 ) now American Pharoah’s  timing 2 min and 26 sec.   Not a spot of mud thrown on Justify or jockey this was a clean race on a muddy track ck those times again.  Now back to the party which i always said was one of the top Fundraiser in our town.  Seen working hard was Tabitha, Jon Faust the consummate Lake Worth mc, The awards were unisex (so sad)

definitely had the Audrey Hepburn feel

two more local artists

If you’re looking for more great photos  Judge Sami Makela has some, always Tom Johnson, and of course Leonard Bryant never disappoints. Darin Engle also was seen taking photos.   If you didn’t see your friends here they made it to the other Derby Party which had 250 plus guests and some even attended from KY.   Anyone want to share photos from there just send them to moi.  My camera battery was exhausted.



Now about the Royal Wedding,  keep those beautiful hats handy and stroll Lake Worth in honor of the nuptials on May 19, as we will have our 2nd American Princess.  I’ll be sporting a Fascinator.


Just a Sat. in Lake Worth

Three (3) Cultural offerings on one day and the car never left the driveway that is what Lake Worth Fl. can offer. That is not counting the morning at the beach before it got too hot.  The Lake Worth Historical Museum was open on Sat. from 1 – 4 p.m.  They have a wonderful marketing message created by Walter Harper that speaks to how young 100-year town is. So most of what is in the collection are relatable to a not so distant past.





The next stop was at the Cultural Council which just opened a new exhibit by YES local artist Deborah Yates another one of our gems.  Who has found herself in our burgeoning artist-friendly town, following the steps of  several other artists from Key West and Coconut Grove/Miami.  It is one stunning exhibit in the small gallery space sponsored by Chase Bank.  I have to admit I was taken with this work. It is abstract, not my personal taste, however, I recognize it’s power as you turn the corner and are confronted with OMG this is good. Deborah also does environmental art on a large scale.  Definitely, go see. 

Debra Yates left with friend Susan Guyoux at the opening reception

Then a stop for good Mexican food at Lupitas.  It was packed with people just returning from the beach Laplaya, with a party in full swing in the private room.

never had seen this room. looks like fun

Last wonderful experience of the day was Oliver at the Lake Worth Playhouse downtown Lake Worth.  It was well-produced everyone was on cue and the casting was flawless. (Call  for Flashdance is now open) The music memorable and the performances on track there was just one person who appeared to be out of sync at the very end and that was an adult.  The young theatre troupe was flawless. What wonderful future thespians talent we have here in our area.  Soon they can be inducted into the International Thespian Society  wish you all well.    Thank You Tabitha for the ticket.

Throw back Thursday Peddlers

Thursday is when Thursday Night Peddlers meet up at the Gulfstream Hotel for a ride through our fair city, with  Throw Back Thursday photos or tonight you may want to meet at the Casino for the Historic Preservation Design Guidelines to help shape our future both meet at  7 p.m.  one at Historic Gulfstream and other not so historic Casino Ballroom.



Mockingbird Earth Day

A charming gesture for a well-done performance (last photo in blog the reveal)

Earth Day Celebration at Mockingbird Gardens was a wonderful event yesterday.  So here are some of the photos of its participants.  For me the musical performances were the joy,  but before anything got started Mother Earth had two subliminal messages.  Not to be ignored.  Like, welcome to Florida and sugar sand, also a good sign was the Charette. If you have google click on their daily logo image and listen to Jane Goodall.

Earth Day recognition had been read at City Hall and here repeated for all in attendance by our Commissioners
Scott Maxwell and Herman Robinson

Enjoy the photos with minimum commentary.  This event was sponsored by Kiwanis with lots of participants known in our community.

The event was perfectly orchestrated with the help of Mother Nature

Just about everything showcased was handcrafted, recycled and earth-friendly organizations were there to raise our consciousness. The event was from noon to 5 one of the highlights this year was a  Adopt a Tree, which came with a certificate.  Neighbors and friends were visible and if you recognize them you realize they care about being earth-friendly in how they deport themselves.  Recycling, picking up trash when not asked or organized. 

repurposed and handcrafted side by side


Arts Loft Artist with his creations (in the buy and sell section)

On hand were artists who actually make their own creations with their own hands.    Speaking of artists these performers were outstanding true artists nurtured in our community.

Barton Elementary grades 2 – 5 just awesome

the youngest at Downtown Dance

wonderful performance

and seeing the future of our earth, of course, all the kids that had the opportunity to experience and be part of this Earth Day event. 

our own Childre’s Librarian with the LWL “you pick em books”

While this was going on there was a charette also dealing with our desire to see improvements in our community and don’t think it’s not about our earth as it impacts all humans in our community, not just the me me mes  in the attendance but something for the greater good .

possible options depicted



now what happened with mother nature at the gardens, she did not bring rain to save this motor bike nor make it easier despite ALL the manpower.  

unidentified hero, however, it required our Firefighters. Thank You all.

Grounded with Tai Chi was demonstrated

great place to let kids explore while catching up

this is the young woman who got the posy she performed in the choir


April your could have fooled me.

We made it through March.  Now to see what April has in store for us.  What a rich picking of cultural and fun events in the Lake Worth area.  Mostly FREE but some indicate donations suggested.  Now you have bucks to spend in our local establishments.  Life is Good.  Make your plans get off the couch.  ENJOY

March 31  Saturday Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet Parade with Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit. Bryant Park 9.am.

 Time to get your mail art in   Send your embelished  envelope to

ART Project      P.O.  BOX  46       Lake Worth Fl.     33460

This will go on display locally.  so put your email add. on back, so we can notify you of  its arrival. and post it to the internet.  

April 1.   6 a.m.  Sunrise services on our Lake Worth Beach.

April 3,   3160 PGA Blvd.   BB113     5-8 p.m.     Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

April 4 Wed. (First Wed. of the mo.)afternoon Mockingbird Garden  have a sing-along and enjoy music with Mel and Vinney

April 6   FAU  Wimberly Library  3 rd  floor      (post about this event April 4 here)

April  7 BiblioArte hosting the creator of the Little Free Library at Hatch1121 Lucerne Ave.   (former ShuffleBoard Cour) 

Aril 7  something for adults  BOOk Cellar has the Author of   Marriage                                     of a Thousand Lies on hand to speak and sign her book.




April 12    Yom Ha’Shoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) noon to 2 p.m opening of Ruth Gellis Exhibit from April 12-30  during Mandell JCC Boynton Beach operating hours.  

has exhibited worldwide, featured in several museums,  studied at the Baux Arts in Paris.


EDITORS note       As events are announced this blog is updated.  Again I only feature free to the public in our area.  If there is a charge it will be listed.  Also posted my view on what is happening and going on in our community.  All Good.


April 21,  Earth Day


Monday blogger March 12, 2018

Chris Gostling
Monday Blogger

What a great morning it is….blue skies and wispy clouds again, beautiful! I will miss this when I return to England a week today. Although there will be signs of Spring in the air with the previously bare trees, branches wooden and stark showing signs of green tips appearing along the branches and one bud bursting into flowers in an attempt to be the first…….I love this time of year, the warm sunshine takes the place of the cold wintry days of February or in the case of this year, large amounts of snow, and I have missed it all being here in the sunshine.

There has been a lot going on this week, yesterday was Mothers Day in England although you do not celebrate it here until May. We also put the clocks forward here although we do that in two weeks time in England, so for now, there is only 4 hours difference instead of 5. I think that I might put the clocks forward ten minutes each day back home, that way losing an hour will not come as such a shock! Other differences include World Book Day in England is March 1st, although this year it was postponed because of the snow. I love Book Day, children get excited to dress up as their favourite characters from a book and each child gets a token to swap for a World Book Day free of charge. There is usually a choice of 10 books, all by favourite authors, if there are tokens left, I get them for books for the Little Free Library Project. And here in the US WBD is in April.

The beach was closed last week on three occasions when the surf and rip currents were dangerous, it was an amazing sight. The waves were huge and rolled in like huge snowdrifts bringing the water in on the beach nearer and nearer to the people, one large unexpected wave came in right over a man who was sunbathing, it soaked him, he looked shaken as he left the beach soaking wet.

The lifeguards are amazing, the whistle was going constantly as people ignored signs and swam nearer and nearer to the pier and getting pulled further and further away from the place where they started out, it is very dangerous as the waves knock with force against the pier and often take the swimmers with them. Trainee Lifeguards took this opportunity to go to the end of the pier and jump off practicing life-saving, it was scary to watch them. We watched the lifeguards help three children to safety as they panicked and were taken further out to sea with waves.

Thanks to Shawn for this photo

I took a trip to see the new Box Gallery this week, it is lovely. A huge space with a  huge amount of fabulous paints and sculptures and books and car doors and pajeros, very creative and colourful, always a pleasure to see Rolando Chung who runs the gallery and see what is happening in the art world. His old Gallery on Lucerne is now owned by a young couple who appear to be creating another Gallery and refreshment area, looks gorgeous,  can’t wait to see it open.

This Wednesday at The Leisure Offices at 501 Lake Avenue volunteers are needed to make Easter Bonnets for the children to participate in The Easter Bonnet Parade at the Easter event in Bryant Park on March 31st, that will be 1 – 4. Volunteers will also be needed for handing out flowers for the children to add their own touches to the Bonnets.That is a fun event that is always enjoyed by the children from Lake Worth. I only wish I was here for it…..

   Last year I took part in a project at St.Andrews Church where Jill Karlin undertook the task of creating another beautiful tile wall. We worked every day and got as many of the congregation to take part – people would drop by and complete a tile of their choice, it is beautiful and stands in the children’s play area garden at the back of the church. If you get an opportunity, go and see it, you will not be disappointed. People commissioned tiles for families and friends which are placed around the outside of the wall, such a lovely way to remember loved ones. Talking of gardens, the area behind the cultural centre is also worth visiting, not everyone knows that it is there but the new Martin Luther King mural is fabulous, a truly beautiful piece of work. And in the garden itself is a huge set of qwerty keyboard keys which at first I thought were seating, please take a look when you are next in the area, it really is quite lovely.

And International Women’s Day saw many events take place around the world. In my town of there were lots of events but the one I loved the best was at the local airport where planes with all female crews took off at regular intervals, I like the idea very much, what a long way us women have come!

Have a great week….

editors note:  some of the original photos did not come through so a bit of research was done.

A ordinary Saturday in Lake Worth

The past Saturday turned out to be an adventure & a discovery.  I broke my phone and I knew there was a shop that fixes electronics.  En route to volunteering at our Historic Museum, I was out and around 11:30a.m and got everything done in no time and in time to collect the keys to the Annex and to open it up. (not the phone however NOT)

Did YOU know we had a skateboard shop?

First stop HotChocolate and Common Ground Coffee Shop it is really good, rich and creamy sans whip cream.   Then I discovered this skateboard shop next to “I fix it”. Realizing how lively Lake Avenue was. I  started taking photos of people doing their Saturday things.

always a good stop when thirsty or hungry

Shop!  I walked over to  Lucerne nothing was open so back to Lake Avenue.

dropped in to say hi to Betty

the couple just walked in and this happy person just came out

this group of 5 asked why I did not take their photo as they also had just purchased something.                         Felt bad, so I got this photo

of course always say Hi to Andy

across the street Cultural Council also had activity.  At the library ran into Steve Horan Author/photographer   Chatting I spotted a book by Daniel Silva love his books as his protagonist is an Art restorer and as an Art Historian myself, I find his books fascinating.  This one is about Vienna who’s streets I know well, but here is the surprise of all.  Inside this jacket cover, a name just hit me. I then checked my other volumes on my bookshelf.  It is our own Walter Harper who designed the covers and type for this series and of course many other novelists, that was his career before moving to Lake Worth.  I got this hardback book for $2.00 and it is listed for 9.65 in a paperback on  Amazon.

editors note:  Gave a gift of one Silva novel to Capt. Silva as he departed Lake Worth.