Real Mail Friday 1/3/20

This takes place on the first Friday of each month at the Wimberley library’s third floor. The Jaffe Center for Book Arts. It houses approx 10,000 hand crafted unique one of a kind Artist books. I’m always delighted to share it with acquaintances and friends and they have all become devotees of this once a month special afternoon . Bring your address book, I flip through mine, first the birthdays for the month and take time to write letters to friends I have not been in touch with, who do not do Facebook. Usually some 3o missives go out to friends, loved one’s, parents it’s hosted by John Cutrone a Lake Worthian that I met years ago as a member of the South Fl. Calligraphy Guild long before I moved to Lake Worth Beach. John created this event and he’s a marvelous host, available to those who attend are all sorts of ephemera glass pens, variety of inks, Washi tape, stamps for those feeling just a bit intimidated.

A congratulatory note on an engagement
A congratulatory note.

Each letter that leaves here is special. And while we muse over the right phrase not to be misconstrued we drink Coffee, tea and cookies can be munched on and chocolates. Each month brings surprise xtras depending on the time of year. Today it was crackers. inside were the traditional small gifts a crown, a joke and in mine I got the tiniest deck of Alice in Wonderland playing cards. 

Four hours of bliss thinking of someone special and communicating that love. Real Mail Friday also provides postage and there’s a basket where you deposit your letter, note and they will take it to the post office noblesse oblige.o

A letter to a parent from today’s Real Mail Friday.

Only 12 minutes south of Lake Worth Beach